ABBOT DAVID REUNION RETREAT JULY 27-30, 2015 Mon pm -Thurs am
"Ritual, Storytelling, Healing, Dreams & Spiritual Direction
5300 Crest Rd Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275
Faciliators: Fr. Jim Clarke,Ph.D, Marie J. DiSciullo-Naples, Ph.D, SB Obl
& Fr. John Connor, CSC  see Registration Form below and print off -send non-refundable deposit $175.00 to Abbot School Reunion Retreats
C/O Dr. Marie DiSciullo-Naples 679 River Road Mexico, ME  04257 USA call Dr. Marie at 207-491-7524 for details 


Feb. 14, 1944 - Mar.19, 2015

God bless our dear friend, teacher and encourager,       Fr. Joe as he entered eternal life following his 2 year battle with pancreatic cancer. 

His 45 year priesthood and ministry was far and wide. The Abbot David School for Spiritual Directors & Reunion Retreats were the beneficiaries of his gifted teachings, homilies, healing prayers, wisdom, vision and spiritual direction and discernment. Thank You Fr. Joe, we miss you please intercede for us. 

For more information on Fr. Joe's life and his last homily go to stpaschal.org 

In light of the closing of he Mission Renewal Center we are postponing our 

2015 School for Spiritual Directors until 2016 when we are able to find an appropriate & affordable venue. 

WE are holding the 2015 REUNION RETREAT in July 27-30, at the Mary & Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verde, CA  please call or email, 

 Dr. Marie at mjoyologist@icloud.com or

 207-364-7288 to register or if you have more questions. The Registration Form is attached in the middle of this page, please open and print off and the information is all there. Please send in the non-refundable deposit $175.00 to Abbot David's School & Reunion Retreat c/o Dr. Marie 679 River Road Mexico, ME 04257 USA 

please make checks out to "Abbot David School & Reunion Retreat "

Our photographer

Eddy Naples,Mexico,ME

School Graduate 


Walking the Labyrinth at the School for Spiritual Directors

Sr. Mary Mortz,  shares with us on the healing in becoming aware of our true Selves day by day.


The Abbot David School for Spiritual Directors -is on hold until 2016 as we need to find a viable venue and have not been able to do that as yet. 

 The UNEXPECTED CLOSING of the Mission Santa Barbara Renewal Center on DEC. 8th, 2014- the renewal center is no longer hosting retreats has made this quite a challenge.
We are sad about the decision to close this beautiful place. Our memories are      fond and forever. WE are forever       grateful that the Mission SB Renewal     Center and our years at San Miguel    Mission as well, provided us such a  prayerful, holy ground for our program  over 14 years. We will hold these holy  spaces and those who are our friends  there in our hearts forever.

Our team has made a discernment with much prayer, fasting, reflection and discussion to move forward with the Abbot David's REUNION, FRIENDS, & GUEST RETREAT to be held JULY 27-30, 2015 to be held at Mary & Joseph Retreat Center 5300 Crest Rd Rancho Palos Verde, CA.

our Retreat Facilitators include: 

Fr. Jim Clarke, Ph.D.

Marie J. DiSciullo-Naples, Ph.D., SB Obl.

Fr. John Connor, C.S.C. 

see flyer above for detailed information or email Dr. Marie at mjoyologist@icloud.com or call me at 207-491-7524


(dates & venue to be announced)

Our 2-week School for Spiritual Directors journey into community, prayer friendship,training in the art of spiritual direction,growth in the Holy Spirit and love of God,others and self is the foundation of our program. We continue to hold fast to God's truth that we  "have everything you need" to help us in our prayerful preparations.  We trust God's blessings will continue throughout the year. 

We dedicate this on-going ministry of the School for Spiritual Directors and the Reunion Retreat to our Beloved mentor, teacher, friend, & "buddy", +Abbot David.   Thanks for all you have given us and continue to inspire us to live the will of God with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

"Rest In Peace +Abbot David"

March 4, 1926-March 2, 2012

"The one who knows me the best, loves me the most"

The New +Abbot David's School for Spiritual Directors Team welcomes you to an exciting opportunity to grow in the Holy Spirit through the profound gift of community in prayer and action. 

Our Team includes:


Alynn Brutsman, BA

Jon & Francie Byron

Fr. Jim Clark, Ph.D.

  Fr. John Connor, C.S.C.

  Dr. Marie J. DiSciullo-Naples, SB Obl.
Davida Delis, BA (candidate)
Eddy Naples, B.A.

Fr. Daniel Manger, O.Carm

Fr. Paul Meadan, O.S.B.

Mary Ann Neal, R.N., PHN, SB, Obl

& other spiritual directors 

guest speakers to be announced

Jon  & Francie Byron (2010 graduates) - Jon provided us with an another amazing summer concert inviting us with him to  praise God in song. His tremendous gift of music and generosity is so very much appreciated. We also enjoyed the co-facilitation by Francie & Jon on using the art of writing to encourage our faith story in our Lord Jesus. Also pictured - Dr. Marie- School Director, faculty & spiritual director & 

  Eddy Naples (school graduate 2001) photographer, generous helper

at our Schools and Reunion Retreats for Spiritual Directors.

Spiritual Directors Candidates gathers for teachings each morning and afternoon, with daily mass, recitations of psalms, vespers, small groups, times of spiritual direction, personal prayer, community life and sharing, morning walking, deepening our lives in the will of God & the Holy Spirit.

We are sharing with you some very sad news , Our Beloved, Abbot David has unexpectedly passed away on Friday, March 2, 2012. It was discovered that Abbot David had an injury from a prrior fall that required serious surgery. Despite doing well in the beginning, he was not able to recover and went home with the Lord at 6:50 am. I was blessed to be with him in those precious moments.

 We are obviously sad and in great grief. Abbot David is a friend, mentor, teacher, spritiual director to so many of us. We are forever grateful for the kindness and love he has shown us and continues to do so in his intercession for us here. The witness of his love and fidelity to God in the person of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit will forever be our guide one day at a time. Praise The Lord!

Remembering Fr. Albert Meyer, O.S.B. - Our dear Fr.Al passed away on Dec. 10th, 2011 after a year long battle with melanoma. He was a kind,gentle,joivial soul. He often introducted himself as "Al your Pal". A good monk who prayed, worked and loved the Lord and God's people. He is sorely missed. 

Application Process:

Please submit the following to apply

for the School for Spiritual Directors:


2.Spiritual Direction Questionnaire 

3. 2 Recommendation Forms

4. Updated photo

5.$60.00 -Application Fee,

We will begin our review process

upon receiving all the above information.

Then we will notify you by email  or

 snail mail with an Acceptance Letter

and invitation  with Registration Form to complete. Completing the Registration Form

by sending the $450.00 Non-Refundable Deposit to reserve your room of choice single or shared directly to Dr. Marie  DiSciullo-Naples,  Ph.D. School Coordinator & Spiritual DirectorAbbot David's SDS 

679 River Road  Mexico, ME USA 04257. 

Please contact Dr. Marie at 207-491- 7524 with any questions to help in your discernement process. We are excited about our new program and look forward to our gathering together again soon! Let us keep each other in prayers daily!

Mary Ann (Butler) Neal, R.N., B.S.N.PHN. led us in morning walking and encouraged us in her presentations on wholeness and holiness that making good choices each day for our health body, soul, mind and spirit will have a huge impact on our living well for the Lord. We are pleased to announce her return to participate in the Abbot David School for Spiritual Directors next year 2015.
Alynn Brutsman, BA, music minister, song writer and Retreat Director & Spiritual Director of the Holy Spirit House of Prayer in Paradise, CA provided was our worship leader throughout our the Abbot David's school program(s)- 2013 -2014. She also shared talks on Music in Spiritual Direction and on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Alynn is delighted to report she will be returning for JULY 27-30,  2015 REUNION RETREAT AND 2016 SCHOOL FOR SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS.
Some of our School members:
Ann, Peggy & Penny Summer 2014 
Fr. John Connor,C.S.C. author of "Brokeness & Recovery: A Pastoral Journey of a Holy Cross Priest in Hispanic Ministry" (2015) 
We are delighted that Fr. John will be sharing from his book this summer at our Reunion, Friends & Guest Retreat July 27-30 held at Mary & Joseph Retreat Center 5300 Crest Road in Rancho Palos Verde, CA 
Fr. John & Thor* our new bookstore coordinator share what new books are in our bookstore. Thor is able to obtain a great selection and we are looking forard to his being with us at the REUNION 2015 this summer too! Fr. John, teacher and facilitator for the  upcoming Reunion 2015 retreat has just completed and published his memoir "Brokenness & Recovery: A Pastoral Journey of a Holy Cross Priest in Hispanic Ministry (2015)" His book will be available for purchase this summer. 